
Showing posts from May, 2014

Kalimat-Kalimat Menarik di Biografi David Belle

If I didn’t do the movement right, my body would tell me right away. If you miss your jump, you hurt yourself; otherwise, you don’t feel anything. The most important thing to him was to repeat: "By doing the movements a dozen, a hundred times, trust comes and by doing the same movements over and over again, it becomes automatic." I started with jumps that were likely to help me make progress, but without taking too much risks at first because I was aware of my mother waiting at home for her son who was training. That prevented me from doing crazy things and having an uncaring rebel teenage attitude like, "Well, if I hurt myself, I just don’t care!" Some guys are really proud to break a bone and they like to brag about it. But truth is, it only shows a total lack of respect towards oneself and one’s body. What’s the point in being ready to destroy yourself just to show that you don’t care? Once you’re hurt, you can’t move forward anymore.